Friday, August 10, 2012

I need to meet people

Getting married and moving really kinda killed my social life. I don't know anyone out here my ag or without kids. I miss having someone I can talk to uncensored. I miss my bff. She is the only one I've ever been able to talk about anything with. And I mean ANYTHING. From religion to politics to boys to games. I miss her dearly and I'd give so much to have her move out here with me.

I'm lonely. I miss the aspect of being single that you get to share with your girls. When you get a S.O. it changes. Even if you make a point to split time fairly, your girls treat you differently. I think they do because they don't want to make you choose, and they don't do it consciously (most of the time).

Whenever Lance and I would visit Sumter, Lance was told up front if "Toni calls, I'm gone. She's my number 1 here." And he actually agreed! The hardest part of relationships though, is when your friends move on from you. While you may have been joined-at-the-hip for years and years, now they have other things to do. Better things to do, things more fun. I miss my summers at Toni's. Best years of my life. No cares, just swimming and playing and mischief.