Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On snacking healthy

I love junk food. I mean I really love junk food. I've always been underweight, in fact, it wasn't till I turned 21 that I broke 100 lbs. So, I never really had to worry about over-eating before. I struggled to gain weight. Well, I was put on a medication that made me gain close to 40 lbs. That means at my heaviest I was 136 lbs at 5'2" tall with a very petite frame. I mean, I have size 4 1/2 feet for pete's sake! anyways, I'm back down to around 107, and with the wedding so close, I'm really having to make sure I don't gain OR lose weight. So it's been an interesting couple of months. Long story short, here are my favorite healthy snacks right now.

Vanilla Dannon Light & Fit yogurt with blackberries and (dark) honey. I usually am quite liberal with the amount of yogurt and blackberries, but I just drizzle the honey. Probably about a half tablespoon at most.

Planters Omega-3 nut mix. It has walnuts, dried cranberries, and chocolate-covered soy nuts.

Olives (green and kalamata) and whole wheat crackers, and maybe cheese if I feel feisty.

Macaroni salad with celery.

Pretzels and hummus

Nutella on toast

Sour cherry preserves on toast.

And hot tea with lemon.

I also try to drink a ton of water. Dehydration can make you feel weak and hungry.

I don't drink soda or coffee at all. I also minimize the amount of non-water drinks. Maybe a lemonade if we get a "combo" meal somewhere and it comes with a drink.

I still indulge in ice cream now and then, but I try not to have huge meals during the day. I don't really need the calories because I'm not hardcore exercising. So there you have a short list of some of the things that I find to be yummy "health" foods.

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