Saturday, March 3, 2012


I've had a hunch for a while now that my body doesn't quite work right. With the RA, it can cause inflammation pretty much anywhere in my body. And often there are digestive issues. So I'll get right down to it: I have to take a butt load of vitamins in order to not feel like a train hit me. I think that the RA has somehow affected my ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, so I need lots to make up for it. I jsut saw my new GP yesterday, and as per her routine new patient exam, she ordered the most bloodwork I've had done at one time. Thankfully, the bloodwork came back normal... except my vitamin D. No surprise there. I hide from the sun, and with the cold, my time in it now is all of 30 seconds a day. So that was a relief that the "fasting" blood sugar and cholesterol came back normal. I had never had those checked before and have family history problems. So anyways, the doc also wants me to start taking fish oil 0.o YUCK. But she gave me some advice on how to keep it from stinking- store it in the fridge! I had never thought of that! Let's just hope it doesn't give me reflux or cause me to burp it up.. Gross. That's the experience I had with it previously, so I've avoided it since. We shall see.

SO! In all this, I recommend the adult gummy vitamins found at Target. Vitafusion is the brand. Then I LOVE GNC's Hair, Skin, and Nails formula. It has many vitamins in it that the multi has, so I only take 1 a day of those to prevent any overdose. The vitamins that the HSN one has are plant based, so they are easier for your body to expel any extra. It also has made a HUGE difference in my hair regrowth rate. I've noticed my lashes grow back in a lot sooner. It's also easy to swallow.

Another tip: vitamin supplements absorb more easily when taken with food. So, when you can, take your vitamins with a meal. :)

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