Thursday, March 15, 2012

Creating memories

Scent is able to trigger memories. How many times have you gone through a thrift store and suddenly something smells like grandma's house? Or that one lotion that you wore in middle school? Everytime I smell Juniper Breeze my mind instantly takes me back to 8th grade listening to the radio and painting my nails a bright color.

I want to be able to remember these years and our wedding day. Shopping for perfume is VERY intimidating, especially if you are sensitive to smells, like me. I highly recommend if you are going to look for a scent to ask for help. These perfume specialists smell these perfumes all day, and it's their job to know about each one.

We went to Macy's not realizing just how many perfumes are out there. The sales lady asked if we needed help, and we did. She started with asking what scents I like best; floral, fruity, musky, fresh, crisp, etc. I said floral. She has me smell 3. I say yes to 2 and no to 1 and say why. She gets 2 more. I like the first best, and don't like the second. One more, that's it! I chose Chanel Chance eau Tendre. (the pink chance). I got the small bottle of eau de toilette, and it smells heavenly. I love it. And it changes as I wear it. Not many people realize perfume interacts with body chemistry and actually changes for each person. That's why you need to actually wear it for at least an hour to really get an idea of what it will smell like.

Now, after the initial smelling and deciding on Chance, I developed itchy watery eyes that night. I was worried it was a reaction to the Chance. So after showering and waiting till the next day, I applied the Chance and prepared for the worst. Nothing. YAY!!! I had tried on 2 other perfumes, and I think I was way sensitive to one or the interaction of the two. The smell of that one got sickly sweet and gave me a mondo headache. After all, perfumes are technically chemicals that can interact with each other, so you have to be careful when mixing them. But all in all, it was worth it. I'm programming my brain to be able to remember these happy days, and they smell heavenly.

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